
Finishers DPS & Combo Point Generation (W.I.P.)

I have covered the basic DPS formulae for Special Attacks and White Attacks. Now it's time to model Finishing Moves. Finishing moves are a bit trickier due to the nature of how Combo Point ("CP") is generated; Seal Fate will generate 2 CPs per crit and Backstab generate CPs slower than Sinister Strike due to the energy cost.

Lets start the calculation with 5cp Finishing Moves.

First we need to know the time it takes to accumulate 5cp as the denominator:
  • Sinister Strike: {40 * 5 / 1*[1 - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0)]} / 10
  • Backstab: {60 * 5 / 1*[1 - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0)]} / 10
  • Sinister Strike, Seal Fate build: 40 * 5 / {1 * [1 - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - Crit Rate] + 2 * [Crit Rate]} / 10
  • Backstab, Seal Fate Build: 60 * 5 / {1 * [1 - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - (Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS))] + 2 * [Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS)]} / 10
For Example, the time for a typical 27% crit and 5% hit rate epic rogue to generate 5 cp will be:
  • 20 seconds, SS
  • 30 seconds, BS
  • 16 seconds, Seal Fate SS
  • 20 seconds, Seal Fate BS

Now for the total damage dealt calculation for the nominator:
  • Eviscerate: (936 | 1076 Imp Evis)
  • Rupture: (935 | 1215 Imp Rupture)
  • SnD: 30% * White DPS * (21 | 30 Imp SnD)
Combining the nominator and the denominator, we get:
  • Eviscerate DPS: (936 | 1076 Imp Evis) / 60 * 5 / {1 * [1 - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - (Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS))] + 2 * [Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS)]} / 10
Since Rupture & SnD both have DoT components, the denominator will have to be adjusted depending on situation.

Assuming using finishers only once, the DPS denominator of Rupture and SnD will be the time to accumulate 5 CPs PLUS the duration of Rupture or SnD:

  • Rupture DPS: (935 | 1215 Imp Rupture) / {22 + 60 * 5 / {1 * [1 - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - (Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS))] + 2 * [Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS)]} / 10}
  • SnD DPS: 30% * White DPS * (21 | 30 Imp SnD) / {(21 | 30 Imp SnD) + 60 * 5 / {1 * [1 - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - (Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS))] + 2 * [Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS)]} / 10}
Assuming sustained fights, the DPS denominator will be the time to accumulate 5 CPs OR the duration of Rupture or SnD, whichever is shorter:
  • Rupture DPS: (935 | 1215 Imp Rupture) / min{22, 60 * 5 / {1 * [1 - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - (Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS))] + 2 * [Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS)]} / 10}
  • SnD DPS: 30% * White DPS * (21 | 30 Imp SnD) / min{(21 | 30 Imp SnD) , 60 * 5 / {1 * [1 - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - (Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS))] + 2 * [Crit Rate + (0% | 30% Imp BS)]} / 10}
Examples Calculations:

1. A typical 27% crit and 5% hit rate epic rogue's Evis DPS (ignoring armor) will be:
  • 54 dps, SS, 10.8 dps per cp
  • 36 dps, BS, 7.2 dps per cp
  • 67 dps, Seal Fate SS, 13.4 dps per cp
  • 54 dps, Seal Fate BS, 10.8 dps per cp
2. A typical 27% crit, 5% hit, 250 white DPS epic rogue's SnD and Rupture Sustained DPS (ignore armor, no Imp SnD, no Imp Rupture) will be:
  • 46.8 dps (Rupture 9.4 dps per cp), 78.8 dps (SnD 15.8 dps per cp), SS
  • 42.5 dps (Rupture 8.5 dps per cp), 52.5 dps (SnD 10.5 dps per cp), BS
  • 58.4 dps (Rupture 11.7 dps per cp), 98.4 dps (SnD 19.7 dps per cp), Seal Fate SS
  • 46.8 dps (Rupture 9.4 dps per cp), 78.8 dps (SnD 15.8 dps per cp), Seal Fate BS
3. A typical 27% crit, 5% hit, 250 white DPS epic rogue's SnD and Rupture Sustained DPS (ignore armor, Imp SnD, Imp Rupture) will be:
  • 60.8 dps (Rupture 12.2 dps per cp), 112.5 dps (SnD 22.5 dps per cp), SS
  • 55.2 dps (Rupture 11.0 dps per cp), 75.0 dps (SnD 15.0 dps per cp), BS
  • 75.9 dps (Rupture 15.2 dps per cp), 140.6 dps (SnD 28.0 dps per cp), Seal Fate SS
  • 60.8 dps (Rupture 12.2 dps per cp), 112.5 dps (SnD 22.5 dps per cp), Seal Fate BS
* Updated 02.15.06 To Do: 1) Compare point to point DPS for all three finishers, 2) Energy Efficiency, 3) Sustainable PvE combo.


Basic Rogue Forumlae

These are the building blocks of Rogue class:
  • Attack Power = Character Level * 2 + Strength + Agility - 20 + Attack Power Bonus from Items
  • 14 Attack Power = 1 Damage per Second
  • Crit Rate = [(0 | 5 Malice) + 5 + AGI/29]%
  • Crit Rate + (Hit Rate - Crit Rate) + Miss Rate = 100%
  • Armor = Agility x 2 + Item Armor + Shield Armor
  • % Reduction = max{[Armor / (Armor + 400 + 85 * Enemy Defense)] * 100%, 75%}
  • Proc Per Hit = Weapon Speed * Proc Per Minute / 60
  • Attack Power Modifier for Special Attacks = (1.7 Daggers | 2.4 Other One-Handers)
  • Attack Power Modifier for Normal Attacks and Hemorrhage = Weapon Speed
  • White Attack Miss Rate = 24%
  • Special Attack Miss Rate = 5%
Now for the DPS formulae:
Assuming main hand and off hand weapon shares the same crit and miss rate and poison proc only when hit.
  • White DPS = [ (Average MH Damage + Attack Power * MH Weapon Speed / 14) / MH Weapon Speed + (50% | 75% Duel Wield Spec) * (Average OH Damage + Attack Power * OH Weapon Speed / 14) / OH Weapon Speed ] * { (200% * Crit Rate) + [100% - max(24% - Hit Rate, 0) - Crit Rate] }
  • Sinister Strike DPS = (100% | 106% Aggression) * {[Average MH Damage + Attack Power * (2.4 | 1.7 daggers) / 14] + 68} * {(200% | 230% Letahlity) * Crit Rate + [100% - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - Crit Rate]} / 4
  • Backstab DPS = (150% | 180% Opportunity) * {[Average MH Damage + Attack Power * 1.7 / 14] + 210} * {(200% | 230% Letahlity) * [(0% | 30% Imp BS) + Crit Rate] + [100% - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - Crit Rate]} / 6
  • Hemorrhage DPS = [Average MH Damage + Attack Power * MH Weapon Speed / 14] * {(200% | 230% Letahlity) * Crit Rate + [100% - max(5% - Hit Rate, 0) - Crit Rate]} / 3.5