
TBC & Crit Scaling

In TBC, Blizzard introduced one additional stats called Resillience Rating (RR) of which decrease your crit rate by 1% and crit damage by 2% per every 39.4 RR @ level 70. Here is the list of damage calculations:

Assuming a crit rate of C, resillience of R, mainhand damage of MH, offhand damage of OH, respective damage modifier of Mod, then Backstab(BS), Hemorrhage(Hemo), Mutilate(Mut), Sinister Strike (SS) damage will be:

BS(C, MH, R, Mod) = 1.2 * (1.5MH + Mod) * {[1 - (C + 0.3 - R)] + 2.3 * ( 1 - R) * (C + 0.3 - R)}
Hemo(C, MH, R, Mod) = (MH + Mod) * {[1 - (C - R)] + 2.3 * ( 1 - R) * (C - R)}
Mut(C, MH, OH, R, Mod) = 1.2 * 1.5 * (MH + OH + 2Mod) * {[1 - (C - R)] + 2.3 * ( 1 - R) * (C - R)}
SS(C, MH, R, Mod) = 1.06 * (MH + Mod) * {[1 - (C - R)] + 2.3 * ( 1 - R) * (C - R)}

After some simplification, the respective formula becomes:

BS(C, MH, R, Md) = (1.8 MH + 1.2Mod) * [(1.39 + 1.3C) + (4.6R^2 - 4.6RC - 2.68R)]
Hemo(C, MH, R, Mod) = (MH + Mod) * [(1 + 1.3C) + (4.6R^2 - 4.6RC - 1.3R)]
Mut(C, MH, OH, R, Md) = 1.8 * (MH + OH + 2Mod) * [(1 + 1.3C) + (4.6R^2 - 4.6RC - 1.3R)]
SS(C, MH, R, Mod) = 1.06 * (MH + Mod) * [(1 + 1.3C) + (4.6R^2 - 4.6RC - 1.3R)]

Taking partial derivative on RR,

dBS/dR = (1.8 MH + 1.2Mod) * [9.2R - 4.6C - 2.68]
dHemo/dR = (MH + Mod) * [9.2R - 4.6C - 1.3]
dMut/dR = 1.8 * (MH + OH + 2Mod) * [9.2R - 4.6C - 1.3]
dSS/dR = 1.06 * (MH + Mod) * [9.2R - 4.6C - 1.3]

Sub in the highest level modifiers,

dBS/dR = (1.8MH + 306) * [9.2R - 4.6C - 2.68]
dHemo/dR = (MH + 10) * [9.2R - 4.6C - 1.3]
dMut/dR = (1.8MH +1.8OH +364) * [9.2R - 4.6C - 1.3]
dSS/dR = (1.06MH + 104) * [9.2R - 4.6C - 1.3]

Plug in some decent level 70 numbers at the very high end, 500 MH, 250 OH, 30% crit

dBS/dR = 11095R - 4896
dHemo/dR = 4692R - 1367
dMut/dR = 15768.8R - 4593
dSS/dR = 5833R - 1699

TBC -> to be continued...


Mutilate, Part 2: Crit Profile

In part 1, Mutilate was evaluated from a lv60 perspective with rosy 30% crit rate and 1540 attack power. So in this post, I am going to investigate how Mutilate will scale at lv70.

I will use my mediocre gear as an example.
434 Agi
  • 135 Naked
  • 299 item
29.97% Crit
  • 5% malice
  • 4.65% naked
  • 10.31% item agi
  • 10% item +crit chance
The crit profile of Mutilate will therefore be:
  • 49.04% Non Crit
  • 41.98% Single Crit
  • 8.98% Double Crit
At level 70, using 5 piece Gladiator gears, 2xGladiator Daggers, Gladiator Thrown, Lv70 Dungeon Hard mode Cloak, Neck, Ringx2, General's Bracer/Belt/Boots, I would have:
411 Agi
  • 165 Naked
  • 246 item
25.88% Crit
  • 5% malice
  • 165/34 = 4.85% naked
  • 246/34 = 7.24% item agi
  • 194/22.08 = 8.79% crit rating
The crit profile of Mutilate will therefore be:
  • 54.94% Non Crit
  • 38.36% Single Crit
  • 6.70% Double Crit
Thus my mutilate crit rate went down from about 51% t0 about 45% as I level and obtain top end gear at the same time. Absolutely horrible.